Organic Black Bean Spaghetti – High Protein, High Fibre, Gluten Free – #TDapproved October 15, 2013 product innovation, TDapproved, weight management 1 Comment For anyone who has been over on my facebook profile for at least the last few months, you would be well aware that I am a seriously huge fan of organic black bean spaghetti! (it is literally just black beans...
Highest Smoke Point – Avocado Oil October 8, 2013 TDapproved 1 Comment Highest Smoke Point - Avocado Oil Avocado Oil – the oil for everything! Avocado oil, not one that usually gets a lot of attention, so this week we are going to let it take the spot light! I find it...
Best gluten free cereal – Banaban Coconut Meat October 1, 2013 healthy products, nutrition, product innovation, TDapproved Best Gluten Free Cereal - Banaban Coconut Meat Oh my gosh! I stumbled across this product a couple of days ago and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the fibre content (I genuinely flipped over a few boxes...
Body Nourish Superfoods – #TDapproved Week 5 September 24, 2013 healthy products, nutrition, product innovation, TDapproved, weight management Body Nourish Superfoods is an amazing Australian brand I came across last year when I was looking for innovative products that fit perfectly with all the nutritional criteria I advocate, being high in protein,...
Goodness Superfoods BARLEYmax September 17, 2013 Australia, healthy products, nutrition, product innovation, TDapproved, weight management 2 Comments Goodness Superfoods BARLEYmax Wraps Fibre, resistant starch, BARLEYmax, and Goodness Superfoods are certainly not foreign words to anyone who has been joining in the conversations with me on Facebook over the...
The Best Dairy Free Milk Alternative – Dream Blends September 10, 2013 Australia, Green Living, healthy products, nutrition, product innovation, TDapproved, USA, weight management 8 Comments The Best Dairy Free Milk Alternative - Dream Blends Dairy free, lactose free, gluten free, vegan (...yes I think we get the point that this weeks product is not coming from a cow!).. and with that...
Forage Porridge Highest Iron Cereal September 3, 2013 TDapproved, weight management Forage Porridge Highest Iron Cereal These days it seems people keep asking about gluten free, no added sugar, or even grain free cereals that run with the current paleo trend...I can't say that cereal high...
Crio Bru Healthy Chocolate August 27, 2013 TDapproved, weight management 1 Comment Crio Bru Healthy Chocolate Week 1 of TDapproved and I thought I would start with something most people like, but do not always associate with the healthiest choices...chocolate! Todays product, crio bru,...
The Best Vegan Protein Quorn June 4, 2013 Australia, Green Living, healthy products, product innovation, TDapproved, weight management 4 Comments The Best Vegan Protein Quorn I've recently started sharing my love for a wonderful product Quorn on my facebook page, so thought I may give you all some extra information on the nutritional benefits so that...
Travelling Dietitians Top Food Picks From Around the Globe September 10, 2012 Europe, healthy products, nutrition, product innovation, Stop 1: USA, TDapproved, weight management 8 Comments I have been asked on numerous occassions what my favourite product finds have been from around the globe this year. I thought I would write this post so that my answer could be read by anyone...