Forage Porridge Highest Iron Cereal

These days it seems people keep asking about gluten free, no added sugar, or even grain free cereals that run with the current paleo trend…I can’t say that cereal high in iron is exactly on everyones list of priorities when it comes to selecting which box to purchase.

However…on the other hand, you then have the other trends of people shifting towards a more plant based diet, and for anyone that is vegan, vegetarian, anaemic, or simply trying to reduce their animal based product intake; obtaining adequate iron, in the non-heme iron form that is found in plant based foods, can sometimes take a bit of pre-planning.

Many cereals in the developed worlds are fortified with around 3mg of iron; If you flip over your standard box of cereal, you will often find in the nutrition information panel an iron column. Go have a look..

Given the recommended daily intake for women in Australia and the USA is around 18mg a day, and for men it is around 8mg a day; those people who associate themselves as part of the above mentioned groups, can sometimes find it a challenge to find a variety of natural foods that can pack a punch when it comes to this nutrient, iron.

Enter – Forage Porridge. This beauty of a cereal is gluten free, wheat free, contains a mix of ancient organic grains, and is SUPER high in iron. The porridge contains 7.8mg of iron per 50g serve…that is not typical by anyones standards in any country (in a good way!)!

Forage porridge is high in iron

Forage porridge is high in iron

Forage porridge nutrition information panel

Forage porridge nutrition information panel

The main down side in my eyes is that the glycemic load of this cereal wouldn’t be as low as some other breakfast options given the amount of carbohydrates per serve, and the rapadura sugar that is used (which isn’t a low GI option); together with the lower levels of fibre, fats, and protein (which are all often useful for lowering the glycemic index and total glycemic load).

Ingredients list:

Organic Brown Rice, Organic Amaranth, Organic Quinoa, Organic Rapadura Sugar, Organic Vanilla and Organic Cinnamon.

With all this in mind, I would suggest that this cereal be used more from the perspective of a great option to boost plant based iron sources, rather than for those that are wanting a super filling breakfast option for weight loss.

Either way, the cereal portion size could be reduced, and additions such as Greek yoghurt, chia seeds, or psyllium husk, could be added so as to increase the protein, fibre, and omega 3 fats, whilst at the same time reducing the glycemic load (and still obtaining a fare sum of iron!).

Forage cereal was created by a health professional, Damian Kristof, so if you would like to know more about him and his other products, feel free to check out his website.

Forage cereal is available in health food stores in Australia, and can be ordered online (at a reasonably hefty price) to be delivered in the USA or other countries around the globe.

So there you have it, week two of #TDapproved.

If you have specific areas of interest that you would like me to try and pull at my brain and think back on which products fit the bill from my travels to share with you all please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

If you have products or recipes to share, remember to tag them #TDapproved #TDfriends #TDconfirmation (if you want confirmation) or #TDrecipes

Look forward to seeing what you have to share!

Until next time,

Travelling Dietitian x

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