NYC in 7 Days; What I Actually do For Work; Emotions. October 10, 2013 USA It has been a while between personal posts, so I thought with a week left before I depart for my next big adventure it was time to fill you all in with an update! After technically being back in Australia for around 12 months (minus a little 2 month stint in Samoa, American Samoa and the USA earlier this year), I decided the time had come for me to take a bit of a punt on this adventure we call my life, and dive head first into the deep end again with a one year visa back to the USA! Beautiful Melbourne on a Sunday morning I keep being asked what my “plan” is..100% honest truth, I don’t have one! I haven’t confirmed an apartment in NYC where I would like to be based, and I haven’t got a job lined up; However, I genuinely am very excited, and I know that I am just going to have to make it work one way or the other! Given it has been around 5 years since I started my business, it is very rewarding to finally (and I mean FINALLY…after A LOT of hard work and more hard knocks of my head on brick walls than you can imagine), see my efforts enable me to take my life overseas, whilst still maintaining all my Australian clients. I get asked a lot “what do you actually do?”, as I guess it looks like I cook, blog, act as a spokesperson, and pretty much just travel the globe and take lots of photos of food to some from the outside (and I certainly do not have any corporate sponsors helping me with this!), so I thought it was worth sharing that I actually do “work” (and yes, even when I am travelling, I continue to be working). Besides going out to present to my corporate clients or at product launches, I help with new healthy product development, communications initiatives, branding and positioning of health products, provide over the phone counselling sessions, and among all this, probably a million other bits and pieces that I can’t seem to recall at this very moment! SunRice products that I found in the supermarket that I had acted as spokesperson for during the launch. Luckily, or unluckily for me (depends how you look at it), the majority of my work is done from home; and with this, as you can imagine, comes the opportunity to have a home office based anywhere in the world. Don’t get me wrong, there are negatives to working in isolation, with there being minimal opportunities to meet people at work and bounce ideas off each other, or develop new friendships. However, looking at the positives, and seeing as though I technically can shift my work and life elsewhere (for at least a little while), the decision has come, or the thought process of saying “why not?” to the idea of shifting abroad for a bit has resulted! With my only sister moving abroad at the start of this year, I already had felt like my family unit was split, and so, this decision has been made. What is coming next is as much of a guess to you as it is for me.. How do I feel? Minimally anxious, a tad on the excited front, and predominantly calm. I do know I will at least be popping my head into Sydney momentarily in March to be a bridesmaid for one of my best friends (which I am very excited for!), so I wont be gone forever that is for sure! My friend who is getting married…yep, Im excited for her! I’ll be sure to fill you all in as the story unravels. Wish me luck?! For now, TD x Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Related Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYou must be logged in to post a comment.
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