Forage Porridge Highest Iron Cereal September 3, 2013 TDapproved, weight management Forage Porridge Highest Iron Cereal These days it seems people keep asking about gluten free, no added sugar, or even grain free cereals that run...
Travelling Dietitians Presentation on Key Cultural Trends and Product Finds for the Melbourne Food Industry Dietitians September 18, 2012 Australia, healthy products, weight management Melbourne is a very beautiful green city! Not wasting a second and being fresh off the plane I decided I should get straight back into the...
Travelling Dietitians Top Food Picks From Around the Globe September 10, 2012 Europe, healthy products, nutrition, product innovation, Stop 1: USA, TDapproved, weight management 8 Comments I have been asked on numerous occassions what my favourite product finds have been from around the globe this year. I thought I would write this post...
Random and Amusing Things to Date for the Travelling Dietitian! January 25, 2012 Stop 1: USA, Weekend Adventures As I had mentioned in a previous post, I seem to notice silly little things that remind me of home when I am travelling. I also find that I get quite...
Weight Management in NYC is a Piece of Cake? Part 1 January 20, 2012 Stop 1: USA, weight management 2 Comments As promised my next blog was to be focused on food and nutrition, so here we go! Having been pre warned that due to the large number of people...