Samoa- A time warp that takes the phrase “back to basics” to a new extreme! July 15, 2013 weight management 2 Comments Given my only real choice of flight path to get to American Samoa called for a stop in Samoa (or as they call it here, Western Samoa), I figured why...
American Samoa Part 3; Conclusion – Why having a curious mind, speaking up, and being the bearer of bad news isn’t always a negative! July 14, 2013 American Samoa, Samoa, weight management 2 Comments I knew before coming on this trip to American Samoa, that it was going to be worthwhile for me in a personal sense. After spending 10 months in...
Travelling Dietitian in American Samoa- Lazy Society or Corporate Social Responsibility – What Would You Do? July 11, 2013 American Samoa, weight management Many people can relate when you say you feel like you are in another world in NYC…lets just say, I actually feel the same way about this place, but...
American Samoa- Cultural fusion, dietary nightmare! Part 1. July 7, 2013 American Samoa, weight management 2 Comments American Samoa, where to even start with this one...WOW! As most of you know, I set out this year on a mission to see a country that really is...
Off She Goes Again – Taking a Leap of Faith…It’s All About Perspective! June 2, 2013 USA 2013 6 Comments As it has almost hit 9 months since returning from my trip which initially crowned me with my title of the "Travelling Dietitian" I have started to...
I’ll Have my Cheesesteak with a Top of Obesity Thanks- A Dietitians Insights Travelling from Philadelphia to Washington DC February 22, 2012 Life on Campus- New York, Stop 1: USA, Weekend Adventures After a long weekend away in Philadelphia and Washington I feel that the clarity in why there is an obesity epidemic in the USA today has taken a new...
Weight Management in NYC is a Piece of Cake? Part 1 January 20, 2012 Stop 1: USA, weight management 2 Comments As promised my next blog was to be focused on food and nutrition, so here we go! Having been pre warned that due to the large number of people...