The Clean Separation Book Launch, Live Event- Finally!!! February 20, 2013 Australia, nutrition 3 Comments So it has finally happened, after copious hours of writing, editing, designing and learning the ropes on printing, distribution and public relations, I can happily say I am a published Author. I don’t even recall when the writing actually started, but I do remember the penny dropping moment taking place on a plane ride over to Chicago on the Easter/Passover weekend last year. There is something about being trapped on a plane/train/bus etc. going from one destination to the next, that always seems to get my creative brain going. Chicago…where it all began! Lots of people used to always tell me to write down my thoughts when I was trying to work through an emotional decision. I never did. Funny that from being the person who didn’t write the “pros” and “cons” lists (I’m not one for lists..I don’t think the realities of life work quite like that in practice), I went to being someone who wrote a whole 80,000 words after an emotional decision had been made…seems quite ironic! I dont know if it was a coping mechanism, or a calming activity, but I do know that I was advised, if you decide to write a book, just make sure you will be happy you wrote it, even if not a single other person reads or purchases it (because this very well might happen!). One of my writing ‘studios’ throughout my time in the USA Lets just say, that the overwhelming support of friends, colleagues, family, and new contacts through social media and beyond, placing pre-orders and saying they can’t wait to read your hard work, is beyond mind boggling, and utterly rewarding all at the same time (I had thought, if one other person wants a copy, and it’s not to my mother, then this has been a worthwhile venture!). After starting out the planning phase of writing the book and deciding the content that would be covered, I remember going back to my old university days where I would start the scientific research and avoid like the plague making my reference list (bad move, very bad move!). This is like one of those tasks you really don’t want to do, but you know the whole time you are going to have to face it eventually! Lets just say it was the VERY last thing that was completed prior to the final edit of the book, and it took a lot of mental strength to sit there and complete. I made a deal with myself when I was writing in NYC to complete at least 10,000 words each week, and to complete the book before I got on the plane to come back to Australia (which gave me technically around 2 and half months to write the book!). I remember the times that Wednesday would come and I would be well on track and excited that things were going to plan…whilst there would be other times that it was Friday afternoon and I was sitting somewhere well below 10,000 words and thinking, come on brain, work with me here! Anyone else ever feel like that??? All I know is, I made sure that by the time Sunday afternoon came, 10,000 extra words were typed into that huge file on my computer. I think just like any plan you make to change a behaviour or look after your health, by setting yourself a target, even if its just week by week, you can find it a lot more manageable and really push yourself to achieve what you set your mind to. As I came closer to my time wrapping up in NYC I remember thinking how I wanted to get a chef involved. I had been recommended a few times by other people who worked within the media to just hire a ghost recipe writer, who basically creates the recipes for me based on my criteria, and I take the credit for their work. This to me just didn’t sit right.. Apparently it is ‘the thing to do’ these days, but I just saw it as bluffing off someone else’s expertise, and not being honest about where my strengths lie. I am a dietitian, not a chef, yes I can cook, but only because I have taught myself or learnt off others in an informal manner…which I am pretty sure is the same as a lot of people out there! The Gorgeous Susan Irby, The Bikini Chef So in came Susan Irby (The Bikini Chef)… We have been asked time and time again how we met (it’s like a relationship)…and the honest truth is we met through social media (and not in a creepy way!). I cant remember the exact tweet, but I recall Susan saying something that hit very close to home, and was almost the same wording as I had used in a previous blog post about my family, and being judged after being in Italy. It had absolutely nothing to do with nutrition, and was completely about her philosophy to life! I literally then and there decided, this woman is my woman! I tweeted at her, got her email, got her phone number, we chatted and clicked straight away, and the rest is history (again, kind of sounding like a relationship- but in a completely platonic way!). Susans amazing whole food based protein power balls So now that you have a bit of back ground on how this all came to life, it is time for you to share in the excitement and join me (if you are based in Melbourne) at my very first live book signing event! This will be the first place to get your hands on a copy of The Clean Separation in Australia and obtain delicious healthy food samples provided by Eat Fit Food, as well as utilise whichever fitness classes and facilities you like at my very own gymnasium Goodlife Health Club, Armadale! How good is that? (Talk about finding good people and creating a support network…here is the theory live in practice!) The Clean Separation, First Live Events! For the first time I am going to put out a request to anyone who is reading this, if you think a single person you know may value knowing about The Clean Separation, or may want to attend this event, please do share this post and help me get the word out there about this exciting new book. As I say, I can’t do it alone, and support in any form can help us all achieve amazing things! Thank you as always for stopping by my blog, I look forward to continuing to share the journey and excitement with you all! Look forward to hopefully seeing some of your faces at these live events, For now, The Travelling Dietitian x Seriously…thank you! The Clean Separation- it’s real! (with a barcode and all!) Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Related 3 Responses Lyndi February 20, 2013 So very excited to read your hard work! – from someone other than your mother… Log in to Reply Travelling Dietitian February 20, 2013 haha love it! Thanks Lyndi 🙂 Im sure my mother is just as happy to read that comment as I was! Log in to Reply 2012 Wrap Up & 2013 Sneak Peak- Excitement Central! | Travelling Dietitian May 8, 2017 […] of our day job, I have been working extremely hard to complete my book and am scheduled to have “The Clean Separation” available by February 2013! Six months of writing, teaching myself how to be a publisher, working […] Log in to Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYou must be logged in to post a comment.
Lyndi February 20, 2013 So very excited to read your hard work! – from someone other than your mother… Log in to Reply
Travelling Dietitian February 20, 2013 haha love it! Thanks Lyndi 🙂 Im sure my mother is just as happy to read that comment as I was! Log in to Reply
2012 Wrap Up & 2013 Sneak Peak- Excitement Central! | Travelling Dietitian May 8, 2017 […] of our day job, I have been working extremely hard to complete my book and am scheduled to have “The Clean Separation” available by February 2013! Six months of writing, teaching myself how to be a publisher, working […] Log in to Reply
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