Life From Below- The Things You See When Perched on The Ground! June 22, 2012 Europe, Life on Campus- New York, Stop 1: USA I am not sure if I am alone in this (I don't think I am), however I find that for some strange reason, whenever I get into 'traveller mode', I seem to find myself happily sitting on the ground in random places...
Travelling Dietitian Leaves Her Mark in New York April 18, 2012 Life on Campus- New York, Stop 1: USA 5 Comments As I had mentioned a couple of months ago, I signed on with Sodexo USA who are the catering company responsible for the dining halls and retail shops here at the RPI campus. I felt I wanted to leave my mark on...
Spring Break- The Place to Kill Your Body! March 16, 2012 Life on Campus- New York, Stop 1: USA, Weekend Adventures In a nutshell, a time for college students to kill their bodies, smile a lot, and apparently not have a care in the world. Having spent the last week in Panama City Beach in Florida I can happily say that...
I’ll Have my Cheesesteak with a Top of Obesity Thanks- A Dietitians Insights Travelling from Philadelphia to Washington DC February 22, 2012 Life on Campus- New York, Stop 1: USA, Weekend Adventures After a long weekend away in Philadelphia and Washington I feel that the clarity in why there is an obesity epidemic in the USA today has taken a new lease of life. In the past week I have been exposed to too...
Eating Competitions vs The Balanced Plate? February 7, 2012 Life on Campus- New York, Stop 1: USA, weight management I'm back after a week or so of no posts (my apologies) and thought I would continue to share with you some of my mind...
Brunch- My Favourite Meal of the Day..Until Now! January 30, 2012 Life on Campus- New York, Stop 1: USA, weight management Brunch back home in Australia is by far my most beloved meal of the day. My prerequisite when I go out for lunch, is that breakfast items are still on the menu (just to try and continue the bunch theme...
Travelling Dietitians Newly Created Family January 30, 2012 Life on Campus- New York, Stop 1: USA For those of you who know me well you would know that I have a very close relationship with my family. Enjoying dining out with my father at the new hot spots in town at least weekly, going for brunch with my...
College Dining Halls- The Travelling Dietitian Has Her Presence be Known January 25, 2012 Life on Campus- New York, Stop 1: USA 4 Comments Week one of the semester has just begun and with that comes my first encounter with the dining hall food system I am about to live with for the next 5 months. I was extremely excited to see what on earth goes...
Travelling Dietitian Makes it to up up up State New York…Oh Boy! January 19, 2012 Life on Campus- New York 2 Comments So after an insanely long plane ride which saw me travel from Melbourne to LA (14.5hrs) followed by 5 hours transit before heading over to Atlanta (4.5hrs) and a final domestic leg to take me directly to...