Sacha Inchi Recipe – Healthy Cake!

Some people want cake for breakfast (lunch, dinner, and snacks too Im sure?!), so I figure you may as well at least have a cake that is dietitian approved, and with that I bring to you my high fibre, omega 3 packed, healthy apple, chia and coconut cake!

I went all out this morning when I saw a fridge draw full of apples that were slowly but surely about to hit their best not to consume date (this is not an actual claim that is found on an is merely the point when you look at a piece of fruit and probably missed the boat on that one!).

So as per usual I tried to combine as many high fibre, omega 3, protein rich, and low GI ingredients as I could that would hopefully come out with a tasty end product that was filling and not laden in calories..

high fibre low GI apple cinnamon coconut cake by travelling dietitian

high fibre low GI apple chia and coconut cake by travelling dietitian (photo taken prior to chia seeds and coconut flour being taken out..sorry!)

and so, here goes:

TDs high fibre low GI healthy apple, chia and coconut cake (which technically as I implied could be had for breakfast, a snack, or dessert..its nutritional profile seriously stacks up well!).


3 medium apples – grated (with skin)

1 whole egg

2 tsp ground cinnamon

½ tsp ground nutmeg

1 pinch sea salt

1 tsp vanilla essence

½ tsp coconut essence

1 tbsp natvia

2 tbsp light coconut milk

2 tsp baking powder

50g Goodness Superfoods Protein 1st cereal

2 tbsp sachi inchi protein powder ( was kindly provided some by a friend of mine from a company ActivEats who already use this powder in their products).

1 tbsp coconut flour

1 tbsp chia seeds

mixture before you add the final 3 ingredients

mixture before you add the final 4 ingredients


  1. Preheat your oven to 180 degree Celsius.
  2. Mix together well all the ingredients except the final 4, until the mixture is sticking together and appears quite wet.
  3. Add the final 4 ingredients and mix to combine (I just used a spoon, and then my hands to really get everything sticking together, rather than an electric mixture the whole time).
  4. Line a bread baking tray with baking paper and fill with your high fibre apple cake mixture.
healthy apple cinnamon cake with coconut and cinnamon

healthy apple chia cake with coconut and cinnamon (photo taken prior to the coconut flour and chia seeds being taken out of the pantry..sorry!)

Let it bake for 1hr (my cake came out very dense, so you may like to bake it for a bit longer if that is not the consistency you like).

healthy apple cinnamon cake baking

healthy apple cinnamon chia and coconut cake baking

Remove from the oven once a skewer comes out clean when placed through the middle of the cake.

Let the cake sit for an hour to cool.

Slice into 5 serves (they are not small serves, they are actually very decent) and enjoy it plain, or top it with a vanilla ricotta mix (a couple tablespoons of low fat ricotta cheese + a dash of vanilla essence + ½ a teaspoon of natvia).

healthy apple chia and coconut cake fresh out of the oven

healthy apple chia and coconut cake fresh out of the oven

Enjoy with a spoon as a pudding style cake.

An example of how I had my cake for breakfast, I paired it with a little vanilla ricotta, and had a high protein yoghurt with some added cinnamon and natvia on the side to round it off! High fibre, high protein, omega 3's, low GI, no added sugar, tasty and filling!

An example of how I had my cake for breakfast, I paired it with a little vanilla ricotta, and had a high protein yoghurt with some added cinnamon and natvia on the side to round it off! High fibre, high protein, omega 3’s, low GI, no added sugar, tasty and filling!

This low GI, fibre and omega 3 packed cake would provide a sustained energy release. If you top if with some of the ricotta mix I suggested, you will actually bump the protein too, which would be great!

You may have noticed I included an ingredient, sachi inchi protein powder, which isn’t exactly a regular on peoples shopping list. I suggest you go check out this ingredient..I think its one of those up and coming products that we will begin to see more of as people look for plant based protein sources that are also super rich in omega 3’s!

Alright, so my apples have been used today..

sachi inchi high protein recipe

Im sure there are some modifications to this recipe that would be preferable from others ends dependent on if you wanted to turn this into a bread rather than a dense cake..but for now, I am happily content for my first round of throwing together some ingredients (and hopefully you are too once you bake this!).

For now,

Travelling Dietitian x

5 Responses

  1. Anwen

    I LOVE this cereal, and was super excited when I saw your recipe! Had to do a few modifications because I didn’t have some of the ingredients (swapped chia for linseeds and protein powder for hazelnut meal) and was really yummy! Mine worked out at 150 calories per serve (6 serves) and packed with great nutrition 🙂 will be making this again!

  2. Sacha inchi protein powder- High protein and omega 3 rich plant based protein – #TDapproved | The Travelling Dietitian

    […] too!). Check out the recipe I made a little while ago for a delicious apple chia and coconut cake here which uses Sacha Inchi protein […]

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