Diet For Stress Diet For Depression

As we shift into the winter months here in Australia, and peoples mood appears to effect their food intake even more so than ever, I thought I would share with anyone who missed the feature in lasts months Womens Health and Fitness Magazine Australia, my article which covers (just a snippet of) some of the information covered in my book The Clean Separation.

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Even if you are entering into the warmer months over in the USA, Europe..or whichever part of this amazing world you are reading this from, I hope you start to think of any of the places that your mood triggers your eating patterns, and begin to work up an action plan to take back the control.

If you want any more information I suggest you go over to The Clean Separation page.

For now,

The Travelling Dietitian x

2 Responses

  1. hope familton

    Good read! Its my mission this year to keep my exercises levels as they are and keep my eating good throughout Winter!

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